Drug Distribution Charges

Is It Possible To Beat Drug Distribution Charges?

Yes, It Is Possible To Beat Drug Distribution charges – But Only With An Experienced Colorado Springs Criminal Attorney Who Has Defended Thousands Of Cases.

I Can Beat Your Drug Distribution charges!

Beat Drug Distribution Charges

Drug distribution crimes in Colorado refer to the illegal selling, transporting, or delivering of controlled substances. In Colorado, as in other states, controlled substances include a wide range of drugs, such as marijuana, cocaine, heroin, methamphetamine, fentanyl, and various prescription medications that are subject to abuse.

Drug Distribution Specifics

The specifics of what constitutes a drug distribution crime can vary, but generally, they involve:

Illegal Selling: This is the act of exchanging controlled substances for money or other valuables. It’s illegal to sell any controlled substance without proper authorization (like a pharmacy or a medical professional).

Transporting Controlled Substances: Moving illegal drugs from one location to another, often across county or state lines, is considered drug trafficking, a form of distribution. This can include transporting drugs in a vehicle, mailing them, or using any other means to move drugs around.

Delivering Drugs: Handing over controlled substances to another person, even without the exchange of money, can be considered a distribution crime. This might include scenarios where one person gives drugs to another person at a party or other social gathering.

Possession with Intent to Distribute: Even if actual selling, transporting, or delivering has not occurred, a person can be charged with drug distribution if they possess a large quantity of drugs, suggesting an intention to distribute them. This is often inferred from the amount of drugs, the presence of distribution paraphernalia (like scales or baggies), or other circumstantial evidence.

The severity of the charges and the penalties for drug distribution crimes in Colorado can vary based on several factors:

Type and Quantity of Drug: More dangerous drugs (like fentanyl) or larger quantities typically result in more severe charges.

Location of Distribution: Distributing drugs near schools or other protected areas can result in enhanced penalties.

Prior Criminal History: Individuals with previous drug convictions may face harsher sentences.

Colorado’s approach to drug crimes, including distribution, is characterized by a combination of strict enforcement against serious drug trafficking and a more progressive stance on lower-level offenses, especially related to marijuana following its legalization in the state.

However, with the ongoing opioid crisis and the rise of fentanyl-related deaths, Colorado has been actively working to combat the distribution of these more dangerous substances.


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