Colorado Springs
Criminal Defense Attorney
& DUI Lawyer

Aggressive, Creative Legal Defense
Experienced DUI & Criminal Attorneys

Free Case Review!

360+ 5.0 Reviews!

Because Your Future Matters!


We’re Focused On Your Defense

If you don’t take immediate action, criminal charges will profoundly affect your life. Specifically, penalties such as jail time, fines, and the loss of your freedom, not to mention your life as you know it, are likely to follow.

Top-Rated Criminal Attorneys

Jeremy Loew and Matt Roche have been defending the rights of Colorado Springs residents for years, and, equally important,  they know the devastating consequences of not taking action.

A Strong, Experienced Legal Team Is Your Best Bet

Moreover, no matter how hopeless your situation seems, Jeremy Loew and Matt Roche have the skills, experience and passion to get you the best possible outcome, no matter how dire your situation is.


Experienced Colorado Springs Criminal Defense Attorney

Criminal Defense

Criminal Defense Attorney Colorado Springs - I can help you if you're charged with any crime in Colorado Springs.  call or text me now, 24/7/365, for a free consultation

If you’re charged with a criminal act in Colorado Springs, you need to be represented by a competent and experienced criminal attorney. Learn More.  Learn More About Criminal Defense

DUI Defense

DUI Defense Lawyer in Colorado Springs - Charged with DUI, domestic violence or any other crime? Call or text me now, 24/7 - free consultation

Top Colorado Springs DUI Lawyers ready to fight your DUI. We have years of experience winning thousands of DUI cases in Colorado Springs. Contact Now – We Can Help YOU!  Learn More About DUI Defense

Domestic Violence

Domestic Violence Attorney Colorado Springs - I can help you if you're charged with Domestic Violence.  call or text me now, 24/7/365, for a free consultation

Domestic violence claims and convictions can result in severe legal consequences for defendants including criminal penalties, heavy fines, and even jail.  Learn More About Domestic Violence Defense

Traffic Violations

traffic violations attorney in Colorado Springs. Call me - I can fight your traffic violations and traffic tickets. Call or text me 24/7/365 to fight your traffic violations.

Traffic violations can really add up, costing you a lot of money and even your license. Call Jeremy now and save yourself a lot of grief and money.  Learn More About Traffic Violations

Personal Injury

Personal Injury Attorney Colorado Springs - I can help you if you have been injured.  call or text me now, 24/7/365, for a free consultation

We are not afraid to go to trial for your personal injury claim! You need a creative and aggressive attorney to pursue your personal injury claim. Learn More About Personal Injury

Car Accidents

Car Accident Attorney In Colorado Springs - Call Now!

A successful and experienced Colorado Springs car accident attorney is crucial to secure your rights to compensation. If you’ve been in a car accident, give us a call!  Learn More About Car Accidents

Why Hire The Law Office Of Jeremy Loew?

Jeremy Loew – Top Colorado Springs Criminal Defense Attorney

1. We Deliver Results!

What really sets the Law Office of Jeremy Loew apart from any other Colorado Springs criminal defense attorney is the fact that we deliver results for our clients.

Don’t believe us? Read some of our 350+ reviews HERE! Our clients explicitly speak loud and clear – we deliver results!

Consequently, we deliver results that matter. Problems solved, jail terms eliminated or dramatically reduced and fines or other serious consequences completely eliminated or reduced.

In other words, we solve our clients’ legal problems.

We care deeply about the outcome of your legal case and we know that preserving your freedom and your legal rights guaranteed under our Constitution is our #1 priority.

2. We Go The Extra Mile For You

Furthermore, many other Colorado Springs law firms claim to go the extra mile for you. At the same time everyone at The Law Office Of Jeremy Loew really do put in the effort and the hard work since we understand what it takes to ensure that your legal rights are preserved and protected during your time of need.

We want all of our clients to rest assured they are in the best of hands with The Law Office Of Jeremy Loew

When you hire Jeremy Loew to defend you, rest assured that you have hired the best Colorado Springs criminal attorney who has the experience, the knowledge and the drive to fight hard for them all the way to the end of their case.

3. A Criminal Conviction Is Devastating

Consequently, you need to have the best legal representation for a domestic violence defense, a vicious dog bite or a DUI or any felony or misdemeanor criminal charge.

Particularly we know that any conviction will have a devastating affect on your life. You may lose your home, your career – even your family. That’s why your fight is our fight. And Jeremy Loew and Matthew Roche is committed to seeing your case successfully to the very end. You have our word on that!

Don’t take chances with your future by hiring an inexperienced attorney! Call Jeremy Lowe today at (719) 387-4111 for your no-obligation, no-cost consultation with a criminal lawyer and a top DUI lawyer in Colorado Springs. We will provide you with the best legal representation from a law firm that has a proven track record of achieving the best results.

Undoubtedly it can be emotionally devastating to be arrested for a serious crime. You might have thoughts of fear, anger, regret, and uncertainty about your future. These are all normal emotions to experience if you are in this situation.

Regardless whether you have been officially arrested or are being investigated, the best way to ensure your rights are protected is to exercise your right to have the best legal representation from a smart and experienced criminal defense lawyer in Colorado Springs.

4. Criminal Laws & Legal Procedures Are Complex

An experienced Colorado Springs Criminal Attorney is your protection from an aggressive prosecutor and the State. Prosecutors make a name for themselves based on the criminal convictions they get. So, a prosecutor is extremely motivated to convict you of a crime.

Equally important, there’s a complex set of criminal laws and legal procedures that, unless you’re an experienced lawyer, would be impossible for you to know.

Equally important, with Jeremy Loew standing beside you, you don’t have to have an intimate understanding of criminal law and courtroom procedures.

5.Talk To A Colorado Springs Criminal Defense Attorney!

Do not talk to law enforcement or anybody else about your legal situation until you consult with an attorney or your lawyer is present. We will protect your rights and we will protect you from aggressive prosecutors! Call or CONTACT our office for a FREE Case Review today.

We are fully prepared to aggressively defend you and work hard for you every step along the way.

We defend clients on a wide range of criminal charges. They include speeding tickets, traffic violations, juvenile offenses, domestic violence accusations, sex crimes, violent crimes, drug charges, drunk driving / DUI charges, and all felony and misdemeanor charges in Colorado Springs and surrounding areas.

If you or a family member needs help or is in trouble, call The Law Office of Jeremy Lowe to get assistance. We provide free consultations and have all of the experience, skills, and knowledge necessary to successfully help you resolve your criminal cases.

6. Get The Best Outcome Possible For Your Case

In a criminal case, a prosecutor is required to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt in order to secure a conviction. An experienced criminal defense attorney in Colorado Springs can select among numerous strategies to reduce charges or prove your innocence.

When The Law Office Of Jeremy Loew handles your case, you can be confident that we will fully commit to providing you with experienced, sound and creative legal expertise to achieve the best results possible for your case. We have years of experience successfully defending thousands of clients in Colorado Springs from aggressive prosecutors.

We know what needs to be done and we do it well.

Of course, the best defense is that you did not commit the crime. All criminal defendants are presumed to be innocent until they are proven guilty through either a guilty plea or a trial. Due to presumption of innocence, the burden to prove guilt is with the prosecutor. However, your criminal defense team can also present evidence to raise reasonable doubts and make the prosecutor’s job harder.

That’s why our attorneys worked for the District Attorney as Public Defender and prosecutor. This experience gives us an edge in defending you because we know how the system works and how to defend you best. We know the tactics and the law in all critical areas.

In addition to providing the best defense possible, we also will work to get you released from jail while you are awaiting trial. If necessary, we will work to persuade the judge to reduce your bail so you can return to your regular life and help to prepare your defense.

7. We Are Not Afraid To Go To Trial

Unlike some attorneys, Jeremy Loew is not afraid to go to trial! Granted, going to trial is not always the first plan of action, but if a trial in a court of law is your best option, then we are ready!

Get A No Cost, No Obligation Case Review With An Experienced Attorney

If you have been charged with a crime in either Colorado Springs or one of the surrounding cities, it is very important to hire an experienced Colorado Springs criminal defense attorney.

Jeremy Loew will fight for your rights aggressively and work hard to obtain the most favorable result for you.

Get Help HERE or call The Law Office of Jeremy Loew today for your no-obligation, no-cost, free case review.

Reach out today if you’re in trouble – I can help you.


Criminal Attorney Frequently Asked Questions

Should I Speak With Law Enforcement?

Rules On Speaking To Law Enforcement

The Fifth Amendment guarantees your right to remain silent. It is in your best interest that you fully exercise this right. Before answering any questions or giving any statements to law enforcement, request to speak with an experienced criminal defense attorney.

Many times, accused persons end up jeopardizing their case by giving statements without first seeking the input of an experienced criminal defense attorney.

While it is often easy to assume that talking to the police will help show that you are innocent, without Jeremy Loew to aggressively defend you, this is highly ill-advised.

Anything The You Say Can And Will Be Used Against You!

Remember, anything that you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. In most cases, law enforcement officers will already be in possession of certain facts and information that they will intentionally fail to disclose in an attempt to trick you into making a statement that gets you incriminated. Don’t forget that the courts have made it legal for law enforcement officers to lie to suspects during an interrogation.

Even a simple seemingly innocuous answer to a routine question can turn out to be a huge mistake. A good example of this is when you’ve been stopped on suspicion of DUI (driving under the influence). You might respond truthfully to a seemingly harmless question only to find that your answer gave the officer probable cause for an arrest. Even worse, if your case reaches trial and you testify, the answer you gave the officer will have to be the answer you give at trial – no change.

Call Jeremy Loew BEFORE You Speak To Police!

Regardless of the fact that you were probably tired or upset when talking to the police, or even if you did your best to answer a question that you weren’t quite sure about. The problem is that any inconsistencies in your answer will be quickly singled out and used to prove that you are a list in front of the jury. When you are defending yourself against a criminal charge, this is the last thing you want.

How Does Bail Work In Colorado?

To begin with, bail is the amount of money that a judge sets to let a person get out of jail. A bail bond is a surety bond guaranteed by a bondsman licensed by the state of Colorado. In the event the defendant fails to appear in court, the bond agent guarantees to pay the full amount of the bond to the court.

The Police have contacted me and wants me to talk. What should I do?

There are plenty of reasons why law enforcement might be wanting to talk to you. This can be anything to do with drugs, sexual misconduct allegations, or some type of fraud or felony crime that has come to the attention of the authorities. There is a multitude of reasons why you might find yourself in the crosshairs of the law.

Regardless of the situation you are in, here are some tips you need to follow:

  • Decline to talk to them politely and respectfully.
  • Ask for their business card.
  • Get in touch with Colorado Springs criminal defense attorney Jeremy Loew right away!

This is what is called pre-indictment representation. At times, it may be due to law enforcement wanting a witness statement or simply because you are the subject of an ongoing criminal investigation.

Keep in mind that the police officers are not legally required to read you your Miranda rights unless you are taken into custody.

Also, you are not legally entitled to have an attorney appointed for you unless you’ve been put into police custody and have been presented before a judge. This is why it is crucial to retain your attorney from the get-go. And when doing this, you need to ensure that you get an experienced attorney who knows exactly how to get you out of your current predicament.

How much does it cost to get a bail bond in Colorado?

The judge is the party responsible for determining the amount of bond to be set. The bond amount is based on the criminal charges, criminal records, community connections, as well as any prior failures to appear in court.

Bail bondsmen in the state of Colorado typically charge 15% of the bond amount, with a $50 minimum. If you choose to take out a bail bond, you will be able to recover the required amount to get your loved one out of jail without having to pay the full bail amount.

How long does it take to set bail if I've Been arrested?

It typically takes up to 24 hours (or even longer) to set or pay bail. This is all dependent on how busy the jail staff is. We can recommend a bail bond company that moves as quickly as possible and will keep you up to date on all information in regard to your bonding out of jail.

The Police say that I failed a field sobriety test. What is FST, and can I still fight my DUI charge?

As per the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, a field sobriety test (FST) is a test formulated to test the level of sobriety of the subject in question – that’s you. It is important to note that you can be perfectly sober but still fail a field sobriety test.

Keep in mind that certain medical conditions may impact the outcome of these tests. You also have to consider the qualification of the individual administering the test. In addition, subjective judgment by the person administering the FST may affect the outcome. These kinds of judgments are subject to prejudice and errors. In many cases, you can successfully challenge a report that claims you failed an FST.


If you have been injured or accused of a crime in Colorado Springs you need an attorney who will aggressively fight for your rights and be there every step of the way for the very best outcome.

Contact Jeremy Loew TODAY at (719) 387-4111 for a FREE initial consultation.



Latest Personal Injury Victory

$13,000 Or $86,500 Award – What Would You Choose?

About 4 years ago our client was involved in a minor fender bender where she was hit from behind. Her medical bills totaled $13,500. The insurance company’s TOP offer was $13,000. Our client trusted us and we told State Farm where they could put that offer.

We went to trial the end of June and won. This week we received our client’s check for $86,500.

This is millions of dollars off from our biggest case resolution but it sure as hell felt like one of the best!!